OK – So I’m totally into Pink. The color, the rock star, and the author.

Seven years ago, my Dad sent me a book called “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink. Honestly – I cringe when someone sends me a book because then it turns into ‘forced fun.’  I feel like I am obligated to read the book and then share how WONDERFUL it was. So, I let the book sit on my bedside table for over a year before I opened it on my own terms. Turns out, Pink is brilliant.

So, I immediately begin looking for other ‘Pink stuff’ and found the book “Drive,” which explores the way people are motivated. Well – in my profession (and most likely yours), I spend a great deal of time asking the question “How can we engage our employees to a greater level of performance?” Now, there are some people out there that subscribe to the thought “If I have to motivate you, then you are not the right employee.” True. However, there comes a point where the organization/supervisor/manager is responsible for providing the right environment and experience for their employees to be engaged.

Guys… these are two relatively old publications, so I’m not introducing anything novel here.  But sometimes it bears reminding. Remember that bold line two paragraphs ago… on my own terms? That is a perfect example of the environment and circumstances being in the right place for me to be motivated to read. This is the basic concept of autonomy – the freedom to do/act/say/behave on one’s own terms.  Employees perform at a greater level when they feel they have the freedom to behave on their own terms.

Now, you might be saying “Don’t tell my employees this, or it’ll be anarchy!” Please understand that I am not professing that all employees need complete autonomy in order to perform – quite the contrary.  I just mean that giving your employees a little wiggle room here and there can really increase their inner motivation to perform.

So, given this information (and the studies upon studies upon studies demonstrating that intrinsic motivation is more powerful than monetary reward), what ways can you increase the autonomy for your employees for little or no money at all?  I’m anxious to hear what some of you are already doing and some creative new ideas to get the motivation flowing!
